Tuesday, 26 February 2008

It's my birthday and.. and... my dog is sick

Here is a picture of a sick dog. He's been sick. All over the front room. He's got doggy influenza. His shit stinks.

It's also my birthday. Im going to the Pacific Dining Car for dinner. It's where James Ellroy eats. You can read about it in his great crime books.
Im 29.

I also got my first solo show. It's not a for reals gallery but a gallery slash bookstore thing. It's in San Diego at the end of April. Unless they cancel it. I don't know what to call it yet.

I also did the cover of Flavorpill this week. And i started my first cut-out. Thats about it.
I have a million photos on my phone of sweet rides. But i cant get them off my bluetooth is broke.


charlie gower said...

call it my dog was sick

Jawatron said...

